Monday, August 06, 2007

Great Weekend

Well it was, got back from my travels late Thursday after a 400 mile drive dropping Alison off in Wales then picked my children up Friday.

We made rice crispie buns on Saturday, and honey flapjack, which then got distributed to friends and family on Sunday.

I had Sunday and today to myself as I have quizzes to run so they can't sleep over when I'm going out on the evening, and today I have been washing their clothes and pegging out, does it seem sad that even just doing the washing for them seems really satisfying?

I seem to be really settling in to this single dad life, just got to get my finances sorted out and somewhere more permanent to live and I reckon life is going to get rosier.

Just need my girlfriend to be with me and I will be set up for life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You and me both baby!