Using this pic I'm almost Orlando Bloom, at least acording to the face recognition stuff on this web site.
My heritage
It must be the eyes.
Having said that, Neil comes out as 64% Jay Leno!
I have set this blog up for those who know me, if you find my blog interesting for other reasons feel free to keep reading, but I fear my life is boring. You can contact me by e-mail, try blogging.pete at thefreemans dot me dot uk Obviously you will have to swap in some @ and . where needed, I'm not sticking my e-mail address out here for everyone to see.
1 comment:
I thought I'd try this out so I uploaded your rather scary picture (you freak) and tried it.
I think you've got the wrong LOTR character. It says Elijah Wood. It also suggests Liv Tyler.
Having said that you best match is 53%, Isabella Rossellini(who?). I havent heard of most of the others but I do wish you looked more like Preity Zinta (48% match) - she makes Liv Tyler look like a moose!
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