Friday, April 26, 2024

 This is a very boring post, but I just wanted to bookmark somewhere that I had put new brighter LED bulbs in the candelabra in the living room.

I want to see how long they last before I have to replace any, I think the last ones started going after several years, whereas the old incandescent bulbs where burning out every few months.

I replaced the full set of 5 as these bulbs are brighter than the ones they replace.

Friday, August 07, 2015

I forgot about this blog for so long

Since I last wrote anything here my life has changed significantly, in June of 2013 I found myself single, and had to find myself somewhere to live sharpish. Now living in the heart of my old haunts in Leeds.

October 2013 I had "day surgery" which turned into 2 weeks in the high dependency unit at St James Hospital, which was unpleasant to say the least. The staff were fantastic.

I started a second business, to run alongside TempleDene Consultants, so now I am a purveyor of glass and Tibetan silver beads and pendants intended for jewellery makers trading under the name Beading Lovely

I get to see my youngest every holiday, and the real bonus is I can, and do, see my two eldest just about every day.

Life is better, I may be single, but I am content with that. What the future holds, who knows.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

where did time go?

I remember turning 10, then 17 was years away and the point where I could learn to drive.

I reached 17 and driving was the least of my worries

at 25 I got my first job in IT, learned to drive, and started smoking, in roughly that order.

I by hit 30 and didn't give shit about driving, life was hard. Driving was something not fun, I was single and had been for too long.
I turned 31 and panicked, My god I was in my 30's

33 I got married, my first child was born before I was 34

40 was a blur, I vaguely remember where I worked and how my life was different.

At 43 I was divorced and expecting my 3rd child!

In less than a fortnight I turn 45, I have 3 children, 1 divorce, a new girlfriend (at 44 do you say that) and my own business that is faltering, but which I have invested my life savings into.

I know I have a good product, and a novel new way to promote and fund it, seems no-one is interested, they'd rather pay a pittance for crap or a fortune to get screwed by a big corp. meanwhile, with clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you.

Postcards people, where next for petey?

Friday, July 16, 2010

Duke Numem : Forever

Was taking "forever" to come out, it's a standing joke now.

So a group of fans decided to release Duke Nukem : Eternity

I reckon it looks OK, not tried to play it yet though.

I used to enjoy the original Duke Nukem game, so this is now on my "things to try" list.

There's a video here of it

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

This is great : if sport was reported like science is today

Science is reported as if no-one knows anything, and is dumbed down, this article shows how ridiculous that can seem by applying it to football.

Friday, June 11, 2010

arc90 readability button : now for Opera Browser

Those lovely people at arc90 produced a readability button for firefox

Now useful as this is there was no setup for Opera, so I took the "best setting" IMHO and made a button generator for Opera for it.

Readability for Opera : Click on that link and the Opera "My Buttons" panel willopen, drag the readability button onto your task bar where you want it.

This is maybe not the best solution for everybody, and I know Opera has style sheet overrides for pages that display terribly (e.g. small yellow text on black, my pet hate) but it helps me, so I thought I'd share. Maybe someone from acr90 could produce a better button generator like on their own website, rather than this one which simply is based on my preferences.

Perhaps when I have time I will try to produce something similar.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Baseballs - Strike

Well Cool album, I was lucky and got a UK pre release copy to review, read my review here.

The Baseballs - Strike - Album Review